πŸ‘¨β€πŸ”§Managing a Name

What Records Can I Add to My PNS Domain?

  • Think of your .pls domain like a digital card where you can store lots of different information.

  • You can add addresses from over 100 blockchains, a link to a decentralized website, your profile picture, Twitter handle, and more.

  • PNS also lets you create custom records for other apps to use.

What is a Primary PNS Name?

  • A Primary PNS Name is like a digital sign that points to your PulseChain address. This helps apps show your PNS name when you use your PulseChain account.

  • You can only have one primary name for each PulseChain address.

  • To pick or change your primary name, you go to the settings in the PNS app.

Setting Up Your Profile

  • Your PNS profile is a collection of information that other apps can see.

  • When you're in the PNS app, you can click an "Edit Profile" button to update this information.

Understanding Owners and Managers

  • The Owner of a domain is like the boss of the domain. They have full control.

  • For .pls domains, the owner can change the manager and transfer the domain to someone else. Not all domains have a separate manager.

  • The Manager can change settings and update records. Sometimes, apps set themselves as managers to update things for you.

  • If your .pls domain is wrapped, it only has one owner, not a separate manager.

  • If you have special settings (like PARENT_CANNOT_CONTROL fuse burned) for a subdomain, you're the boss of that subdomain.

Sending Your Domain to Another Address

  • Transferring your domain lets you give control to someone else. You can do this in the PNS app under the "More" tab.

  • When you transfer it, the records don't change, and it doesn't automatically become the primary name for the new owner.

What is a Resolver?

  • A Resolver is like a digital file cabinet that holds your domain's records.

  • Most people use the Public Resolver made by the PNS team, but you can use custom ones if you want.

  • If you have an old version, you can update it in the PNS app.

What is the Name Wrapper?

  • Wrapping a domain upgrades it to use newer features like better permissions and turning it into a special kind of digital collectible (ERC1155 NFT). Learn more about the Name Wrapper here.

Finding the Labelhash/Namehash

Difference Between a Name and a Subname

  • A name is the main domain, and a subname is part of it. Like, in resolver.pns.pls, "pns.pls" is the name, and "resolver" is the subname.

  • Subnames usually follow the main domain's rules, but the main domain owner can change this, giving subnames more independence.

What Are Permissions?

  • Permissions are rules set by the main domain owner for subdomains.

  • For example, normally, only the main domain owner can transfer a subdomain. But with permissions, they can give this power to the subdomain itself.

  • To change permissions, certain conditions like burning the ability to unwrap and not being expired must be met.

πŸͺ„Domain RegistrationπŸ§β€β™€οΈUpdating Your ProfileπŸ“’Terminology

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