πŸ§β€β™€οΈUpdating Your Profile

Step-by-Step Guide on Updating Your Profile

Alright, you got yourself a brand new .pls domain name, congrats! Now let's update it.

Watch our 5 min how-to video or follow the steps below.

Step 1: Navigate to the Names Tab

  • Go to your Names Tab

  • On this page you can see all of the domain names that are associated with your address

  • Select the domain name that you like to update

Step 2: Click on the "Edit Profile" button to start editing

Step 3: Update your info

There are a couple of attributes you can associate with your .pls domain name, here's each section is broken down.

General Info

This information will be shown on your .pls profile.

  • Nickname

  • Website URL (make sure to include: https://)

  • Location

  • Short Bio

Profile Picture

You can update your profile picture with an NFT that you hold, or upload an image. Unlike the NFT your uploaded profile picture is hosted with Cloudflare.

  • Supported image files are .png and .jpeg

  • Updating your profile image requires a single gas-less transaction.


Support for up to 15+ additional platforms is coming soon on mainnet. As of now, you can post the following platforms to your profile.

  • Twitter

  • Github

  • Discord


Here you can add, and store, up to 100 blockchain addresses. If you use your .pls domain name as a donation address, others can pay you in PLS, BTC, DOGE, or any other digital assets. All of your addresses are stored on the PulseChain blockchain and are immutable.

Decentralized Website

Store your decentralized website with IPFS, Swarm, Skynet, and more.

Step 4: Confirm changes

  • All the changes will be written onto your .pls domain name recorded and stored on the PulseChain blockchain.

Step 5: Review your profile πŸ₯³

  • Yay, we made it. I mean, you made it! Congrats on creating your first .pls domain name

  • You can update your profile records as often as you want, it will always require a single transaction to do so.

πŸ‘₯Creating SubdomainsπŸ›©οΈDomain Transfer

Last updated