πŸ›©οΈDomain Transfer

Step-by-Step Guide on Transferring .pls Domains and Subdomains

Locate the domain name you like to transfer

  • You can see a list of all of your available here.

Click into the Ownership Tab

  • Click on "View Details" to transfer see the transfer function

Press "Send" button

Enter Address or PNS address

  • Please make sure to double-check any address that you enter. Once you send a domain or subdomain to someone, this transaction cannot be reverted.

Enter Address or PNS address

If you are sending a domain name that was modified e.g. profile name, bio, profile pic, etc. was edited or changed, you have two options:

  1. "Reset Profile" which will reset the entire profile and initiate a send.

  2. Go to "Edit Roles" -> "Change Owner" and enter the recipient's address or .pls name. This will ensure that all information associated with that domain will remain intact and will be transferred.

Transferring a Subname / Sub Domain

Transfering your Subname or Sub Domain works the same way as transferring your top level domain name.

Click into your Subname -> Ownership -> Send -> Enter Address / .pls address -> Send

Last updated